Planning your Daily PG with Retool’s Adara Parker

Guest Contributor
February 28, 2024
Planning your Daily PG with Retool’s Adara Parker
“I asked a former SVP of sales how to become the best; he said outbound for two hours a day”

Adara is one of the best in the business at pipegen, so we asked how she does it. Here’s her playbook  for time management and tactical workflow practices.

The schedule

Before Starting with PG: Active deals come first. I work through any open items on Mondays and stay on top of them the rest of the week.

Mondays are for Prioritization: As a Mid Market rep focused on creating enterprise sales motions, I prioritize going after wins via cold outbound opportunities into net new markets, logos, and ICPs for my company. I like to create big lands and room to expand. So,I put 80% of my outbound time towards finding net new 6-figure deals in my territory. Then, I spend the remaining 20% working a self-serve to upsell motion. 

Earlier on in my sales career I would go for self-serve to upsell deals looking for lots of quick wins, and those are still great to have in any “portfolio” of deals that I’m working, but it’s always the big cold outbound lands that I’ve been most proud of and that I most enjoy working.

Daily: I have a 30 minutes cold call block around 10a PT and I target ICP personas at my large, new logo opportunities in my territory. Then in the afternoon, I have my 2-hour block for other pg efforts and I do whatever it takes to build pipeline.

The tools + tactics

Here’s a deeper look into Adara’s top three pipegen tools + tactics for her daily 2-hour block:

  1. SalesNav
  2. Champify
  3. Gold Mine

Linkedin SalesNav is where I start to identify the target personas in my promising territory accounts. This falls into the 80% of time that I spend prospecting to find a massive opportunity. Once I identify the key people at one of these accounts (e.g. Head of IT, Head of Supply Chain), I drop them into my industry-specific sequences, and then keep tabs on the sequence each day.

Champify allows me to take an account-based approach and contact-based approach with my pipegen. Champifys are people who built Retool apps in a previous role and have since moved to a new company, which is a really good reason to reach out to them.  When a champify comes in for one of my territory accounts, I’ll verify their job history in LinkedIn and go into the past Salesforce account information to see if the champify was involved in the buying decision. Then, I drop them into a champify sequence. I have four sequences for champifys based on if the lead is in a new account with or without an active opp, or if they are in an existing account with or without an expansion opp.

We have a second report that lists all champifys at accounts in the “account pool”  (i.e. accounts that are up for grabs). I sort it by segment and the grab champifys that have good titles and are from solid accounts. This is a great play especially for reps working in the mid-market and growth segment who take more of a contact-based approach and have more accounts.

Gold Mine is a Retool app that my team and I created as a way for sellers to see critical account information very quickly. We use it to see a quick snapshot of an account’s health and we use that information to personalize our outreach and follow-up efforts. We have two charts at the top that show (1) user growth and (2) app growth and page views. We like to see when these are moving up and towards the right. Lower down on the page, we have a chart to highlight the frequency with which Retool apps are being built, high frequency builds we love to see and is a good indicator of an opp. The way I like to identify who to target within this account is by clicking into the “user table” and looking to see when a user was created, their last login, and sorting by the number of app saves in the last 30 days. 

You can also get proactive alerts too - another AE at Retool showed me how to set this one up. Every morning, I have it slack me at 9am with specific accounts in our “account pool.” In addition to the account name, it notes the account spend and the company ARR - I’ll review the company profile on LinkedIn (main indicator here is number of engineers and the types of engineers). If the LinkedIn data is promising, I’ll go over to Gold Mine and work through those steps I outlined previously. 

I also have slack alerts set up to show me accounts in my territory that are over 100% of usage - another indicator I should reach out.

“Initially I had no idea where I would find the time for a daily two hour outbound block, but now that I commit and follow through with doing it no matter what, I am better able to control my destiny.”