Teams that do this well integrate expectations into their operating cadences. This includes plans for:
Most teams insert outbound into an existing rhythm like 1:1s, forecasting calls, team all hands, performance cycles, etc.
In order to run a strong operating cadence, you need to provide managers with the right metrics and enablement. There needs to be consistency throughout all levels of management, regions, and segments. Operations and enablement support are critical in making this work.
Rather than tell you more about operating cadences, here are five examples of top performing teams and how they integrate pipegen into their operating cadences.
Company Size: 501 - 1000
Sales Headcount: 200+
Industry: Software Development
Target Audience: Developers
"On Friday, we do a PG wrap up call. We don't have a weekly sales all hands call. We have a PG wrap up call. And what that says to the culture is that PG is the most important thing. And everybody does it."
- Doug May
PG Tuesday is a GTM-wide PG day in all the global offices where people use the entire day to call into top accounts, run specific PG plays.
By end of day each AE is responsible for submitting their PG plan for next week to their manager.
PG Wrap Up Call to review results and celebrate wins.
Company Size: 1000 - 5000
Sales Headcount: 700+
Industry: Software Development
Target Audience: Finance
"Use the operating system to share the learnings, beyond just the metrics.That way everbody stays on the same page and stay locked in and continues to evolve. "
- Jose Soares
Team meeting with front line managers to review selected accounts and develop unique points of view
PG Tuesday - clear all meetings and focus on pipegen
Meeting at the director/office level to share results and wins
Review deals end-to-end including how they were sourced, the messaging used, etc.
Company Size: 500-1000
Sales Headcount: 200+
Industry: Software Development
Target Audience: Revenue Teams
"We have both actual SDRs rolling up a qualified opportunity count forecast and AEs account directors rolling up a dollar value pipe gen forecast every single week."
- Maya Connet
At the team level each manager meets with their reps to discuss pg targets and metrics
Team pipeline forecast meeting, that rolls up to a manager forecast meeting/leadership forecast meeting based on the 13 week quarterly cycle.
Company Size: 1000-5000
Sales Headcount: 400+
Industry: Software Development
Target Audience: Developers
Pipeline from OB: 40-50%
"Look at a lot of the existing operating rhythms and systems for accountability that exist in the business today. Then ask how can I insert this hypercritical initiative into the existing motions that I already have in place today? That way I don't have to worry managing a new rhythm. "
- Justin Geller
Each manager reviews the pipeline targets and the plan to hit the goal.
Pipeline reporting on team achievement is part of the weekly forecast calls.
PG is required for promotion, so it is part of every single performance conversation
Slack alert any time someone creates an OB opportunity to spread knowledge and celebrate micro achievements.
Company Size: 500-1000
Sales Headcount: 100+
Industry: Software Development
Target Audience: Mortgage Brokers
"It's gotta be every week. You can't get away from it. And then at the macro level, build it into those big moments. If you can, bring up a win at a company all-hands...PG is a team sport"
- Brian Michael
Each manager reviews the pipeline targets and the plan to hit the goal, and double clicks into the quality of outbound.
Plays, learnings, tactics are shared
Dedicated time to do in depth deal reviews including the outbound used and to celebrate wins
To be part of your culture, it has to be the heart beat of your company.
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