How Contentsquare created 7 figures of pipeline and boosted response rates 30% with strategic outbound

Contentsquare is a leading digital experience analytics platform that goes beyond traditional analytics to enable an unprecedented understanding of the customer experience.

7 Figures

of pipeline created by Champify


Increase in outbound response rate
Company Size
Use Cases
Pipeline Generation
Salesforce, Gainsight, Slack, Email

Contentsquare: Strategic Outbound at Scale

“Operate Leaner. Convert Faster.” 

Contentsquare, a leading digital experience analytics platform, moves beyond traditional analytics to enable an unprecedented understanding of the customer experience. Its AI-powered platform provides rich and contextual insight into user behaviors and intent throughout the customer journey, allowing businesses to optimize the digital experience and drive growth. Contentsquare was founded in 2012 and operates internationally – over the last 11 years of growth, their sales organization has expanded into a 380+ person team. With a large team and narrower territories, Contentsquare needed to revisit their outbound playbook. 

"Champify has helped us become aware of job changes; it surfaces them directly in our workflows so we can focus on the other aspects of prospecting."
- Richard Warner, Enterprise AE

Operationalizing Familiarity

After the sales team closed a key logo led by a leading fitness brand who was integrating Contentsquare for the second time, the Contentsquare Customer Experience team started investigating how this former buyer channel could be leveraged at scale. While LinkedIn Sales Navigator helped accomplish this, some former buyers were falling through the cracks. Across Champify’s customer base, companies typically catch 2-5% of the former customer pipeline opportunity without a dedicated tracking solution. 

As a company centered around data and analytics, Contentsquare was seeking a solution that had high data quality, was simple to use, and covered the entire universe of potential repeat buyers. They were also prioritizing a solution that would be easily adopted across their 500-person SDRs, AEs, and Customer Success organization.

Contentsquare turned to Champify for three key reasons.

  1. Champify worked at scale - the solution can process the high volume of Contentsquare buyers and users, and share insights on new jobs for Contentsquare’s strategic accounts
  2. Champify integrates into the revenue and communications platforms Contentsquare’s team relies on - Gmail, Slack, Salesforce, and Gainsight
  3. Champify provides the contextual data Contentsquare needed to understand how to engage with a lead once surfaced to the team
“Champify quickly understood our use case and challenges. Their team was an extension of ours and they provided proactive analyses and frameworks for how to make best use of the data from Champify. This allows us to enable the sales organization with the relevant contextual information.” 
- Camille Constans, Head of Customer Experience, Americas and Asia

Pipeline Generation Powerhouse

Within the first 2 quarters of kicking off, Contentsquare’s sales team generated 7 figures in pipeline. By focusing their outbound resources on Champify leads, people that have bought or used Contentsquare in the past, reps were able to align their time with the highest impact channel; Contentsquare’s outbound response rate increased by 30%.

Closed Won, Internationally

With Champify delivering 79x ROI in the first two quarters, revenue teams across the globe were looking to adopt the new channel. Champify’s ability to scale enabled a seamless international expansion - it took the operations team less than an hour to align the necessary systems. With Champify live in North America and APJ, and Europe launched this month, Contentsquare has solidified Champify as a cornerstone to their outbound strategy.